What are the benefits of voice lessons?
When students take voice lessons, individuals can learn to sing or speak with more confidence. Singers can fulfill a lifelong passion by pursuing their dream of learning to sing well. Benefits from singing spill over into many parts of our lives: poise, confidence and posture.

Do you have an opening where I can come in every other week?
I prefer to teach students on a weekly basis, but occasionally see people bi-weekly. Progress is always better when students maintain a regular lesson schedule

Trial lessons: I would like to know if you can do an evaluation/consultation and what the cost would be for that and also for future lessons/consultations? And what to expect at first lesson?
Most singers find the first lesson with a voice teacher terrifying. At your first scheduled lesson, we will discuss plans for future lessons and also do a vocal evaluation using some easy scales and perhaps singing something you have prepared. This is your consultation lesson and it is the same price as other scheduled lessons. You are free to decide if you want to continue after this at no obligation.

What styles of music do you teach?
I work in many styles of music. My first priority is that the singer has an understanding of basic technique and singing with a free authentic voice. This can be accomplished through scales and exercises and by applying these ideas to any type of music we decide to work on. Although I believe Italian art song is the easiest way to building a beautiful and strong voice, it isn’t the only way.

Do you offer group lessons?
I primarily teach individual lessons. On occasion, I have coached duets or ensembles in preparation for performances. I also offer a studio class once a month for any student wishing to participate.

Are you accepting new clients?
My studio is generally fairly full, although I occasionally have openings from students leaving to perform or take a hiatus for various reasons. If I can’t accommodate you at the moment, I will suggest another teacher or keep you on a wait list.

What should I expect at the first lesson?
Most singers find the first session with a voice teacher terrifying. It is unnerving to stand 3 feet away from someone and open your mouth and sing. I hope that as we talk about your experience with singing and what your goals might be, the singer is put more at ease and understands that it’s more important to see where you’re going than dwell on where you are at. We will talk and I will lead you through some exercises. Then we’ll talk some more and hopefully you will leave excited and have learned something you didn’t know before you came.

How old do you start students?
I work with students of all ages starting at 14 years old. There is no age at which you are too old to take voice lessons.

Do you teach to beginners?
My students come to the studio as beginners, intermediate level and professionals. All are welcome!

How much are lessons?
Go to the Rates and Policies page.

How long does it take to become a “good” singer?
This is a difficult question to answer. It would depend on the training you’ve had previously and the goals you set for yourself as well as how much time you have to devote to your goal. A study was done and found that “the key to success in any field is, to a large extent, a matter of practicing a specific task for a total of around 10,000 hours.” (Malcolm Gladwell, Outliers: The Story of Success)